2 cans pork and beans

1/2 cup pancake syrup or 1 cup of brown sugar

1/2 cup chopped onions

2 tablespoons green bell pepper

1 tablespoon Worcester sauce

1/4-1/2 cup ketchup

1 tablespoon of yellow mustard

2 slices of one inch bacon (uncooked)

oven 45-60 mins on 325 degrees 

I always try to gather all of my ingredients and utensils that I might need before hand so that I do not have to go on a treasure hunt while trying to put my recipe together.
For this recipe I used these items:
Cutting board and knife
Measuring cups and spoons
Baking dish
Can opener
And of course mixing spoons

After gathering all my utensils and all of my ingredients I turn the oven on so that it can heat up while I am mixing.

This recipe calls for 2 slices of bacon. In this version I used 4 slices of turkey bacon because it has less fat and is not as greasy. You can certainly use either one, it is good both ways.

The first step I like to take is to cut all of my fresh veggies up, along with the bacon and mix it together in my baking dish. I try to use fresh veggies as often as I am able. In this recipe I used one small green bell pepper that I picked from my garden. 

In the next step I add all of my seasoning ingredients to my bowl of peppers, onions, and bacon. If you are using brown sugar I would only use a 1/4 cup of ketchup but if you are using syrup I would use the 1/2 cup. I also added a few dry seasonings to this batch and it really seemed to help the flavor. So you might try using these also:
1/8 teaspoon ground garlic
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/8 teaspoon ground mustard.

After I have the seasonings added to the bowl I pour in both cans of pork and beans and mix it completely. Before I stick it in the oven I use my mixing spoon to taste the sauce and make sure it has the best taste possible. If it doesn't suit you, you might try adding a little of each or one of these:
1 additional teaspoon of Worcester sauce
1 additional teaspoon of mustard
2 additional tablespoons of ketchup.

The key to baked beans is to cook them slowly until they are the consistency that you want them to be. I baked this batch at 325 for 45 minutes with the lid on my baking dish and then I baked it for another 15 minutes without the lid. They turned out perfectly. My husband thought they were the best beans I had ever made. Not too shabby! Have fun and enjoy!

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    Mary-Nancy Smith is a housewife to a farmer in rural Missouri and enjoys reading, writing, sewing, cooking and playing with her five pound wonder dog named Fluff!


    July 2012
    June 2012

