When I was growing up my Grandparents always had a garden. I remember spending summers at their house and in the evening we would sit on the porch with bowls between our knees and shell or snap beans. In the early mornings, I would watch my Grandmother water the garden and pick any vegetable that might be ready. We always enjoyed fresh vegetables whether it was tomatoes, okra (always fried to perfection,) beans, cantaloupe, and even a fresh watermelon or two. It always amazed me how she was able to grow so many wonderful vegetables and take care of my Grandfather, cook, clean, and take care of us when we were visiting.

    As I got older I took for granted all the fresh vegetables she would grow and never once offered to help her with the garden. I thought that it was too dirty of a job, too hot outside, or I thought I just didn't have time to spend with my Grandmother doing something I didn't want to do. I, thoroughly, regret that decision now.  I remember her asking me to come out and help her and telling her no because I  didn't want to get too hot and then later that afternoon walking (in the heat) to the swimming pool with my sister. My Grandmother could have taught me so many things about gardening that I wish I knew now. Unfortunately, now it is too late. My Grandmother has Alzheimer's and lives in a nursing home about 13 hours away from me. Every time I have a question about my garden I think of her and all the fun times that I missed out on and the many wonderful things she could have taught me.

    The one thing she did instill in me, although it took me a LONG time to realize it, was a love for gardening. It is amazing how relaxing gardening can be. The last few years we have had a garden and have enjoyed the fruits of our labor, so to speak, but we were living about five miles away from where are garden was located and sometimes it was hard for me to get over to it everyday. Now, we live at the farm and are only about 50 feet away from the garden so I spend a lot of time working in it.

    I love the whole process of gardening. From beginning to the end, it is exciting to get through all the steps so that you can provide fresh vegetables for your family and friends. Tilling is the first step in the process of gardening and I always let Cody (my husband) do that step for me because sometimes it is hard to get the ground to work up properly. The second step is to make your rows for your seeds by using a hoe to make sure you get the rows deep enough. The third step is to plant your seeds. Just dropping your seeds on the ground doesn't work very well so you have to be sure to space each type of seed according to its package. Then you have to cover the seeds with the dirt that you removed to make your rows using your hoe again and then tapping the ground softly to make sure the seeds are covered and protected from bugs and birds. The fourth and final step in the planting process is watering. You always want to water after you have planted so that the seeds have moisture in the dirt to start the growing process.
And then you wait! For what seems like forever. Each type of plant has a different rate at which they grow. Some take as little as 2 weeks to start to show and others take up to 30 days. So everyday I go out and I water and I hoe any weeds that might be trying to grow up next to my plants so that the weeds do not steal the moisture that my plants need to grow. While I am watering, I talk to my plants. Yes, that's right I said I talk to my plants. I have heard it said that if you talk to your plants they would grow better and let me tell you, I believe it works. At the beginning of the growing process I say a prayer and I ask God to bless our garden to that it might be fruitful and then I talk to my plants. I tell them to grow big and strong and I ask each one how they are doing each day and whether or not they need a lot of water or just a little water. Although they do not answer me, thank goodness, I always feel like they appreciate me coming out and watering and speaking to them.

    I like to think that I am doing some good by growing a garden because I am able to share, each year, with my friends and family. Already this year, I have sent my parents some zucchini and have given some more zucchini to my husband's grandmother's nephew. (yes I know it is one of those kinds of situations! LOL) And, I know that I will have so many more things to share with others that it makes all the work and sweat worth the effort.

    This year I plan to try my hand at making salsa. I have eight tomato plants, seven green bell pepper plants and one jalapeno plant. You might ask why I have only one jalapeno plant and I will tell you that is a funny story. I went and purchased my bell pepper plants in two four packs that were already growing so that all I had to do was transfer the plants in to the ground and water them. So I planted all eight of what I assumed were bell pepper plants. Well, after they got big enough to start growing I realized that one of the plants was producing long, skinny looking peppers. I thought maybe something had happened to the bell pepper and maybe the plant had gotten to hot but the other plants were producing regular looking bell peppers so I took one of the long peppers inside and cut it open. It only took one whiff of the pepper to realize it was not a bell pepper but a jalapeno. I guess somehow a jalapeno seed got mixed in with the bell peppers when they went to plant and I was the lucky purchaser to get the extra something special. Oh, well I guess I will try my hand at salsa! It ought to be good with fresh jalapenos!

    And, so ends my tale of gardening, for now! Just know, that if you know an older person or have a grandparent that likes to garden, take the time and effort to spend some time with them and learn not only about gardening but maybe just maybe a little bit about them and why they think gardening is important. You might just be surprised with some of their answers! 

    So, I am leaving you with a little song that used to be sung to me to make fun but I have decided that it is one of my favorites while gardening.

Mary Mary
Quite Contrary
How Does Your Garden Grow?
With Silver Bells
And Cockle Shells
And Pretty Maids
All In A Row!